As a Product Design Intern at Meta (formerly known as Facebook), I got the opportunity to elevate my design knowledge and skills and gained real-world experience on what it was like working on a team of designers, software engineers, and researchers.
During my internship, I was part of the Lead Generations team within Instagram Business Opportunities and was tasked with working on the onsite form experience for Lead Generation Ads. Throughout the course of my project, I was able to focus on both the consumer and advertiser experience and design product solutions for both users. Additionally, with the help of my cross-functional (XFN) partners, I was able to design for/ be involved in all aspects of the product — from ideation, user research, design iterations, error states, and prototypes, to potential phases of experimentation. Along the way, I was also given the chance to learn from the experiences of other designers across Meta and gain frequent feedback on my work.

To provide some visual context, this is the existing onsite form experience for all users who are filling out a Lead Generation form on Instagram
This experience not only helped me grow as a designer, but it also allowed me to: 1) understand the importance of being in constant communication and collaboration with your team members because it will lead to a more well-rounded, cohesive, and successful solution, and 2) realize the value of feedback as it oftentimes helps elevate your work.

Please note that I cannot go into further detail on my project because it is NDA-protected. However, feel free to reach out to me if you have any additional questions!